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PERSONAL STYList & Shopper 24/7


Rachel Zoe

Dear Guys,

First of all, could you please think about the following topics:

The size of your clothes and shoes, the strengths of your figure, your favorite colors, patterns and styles...

After our stylists ask you what you do, whether you have a strict dress code at work and what you like to do in your free time. It’s also worth to know what shops you usually buy in, how much money you can spend on a blouse and how much on shoes etc.

They also ask you about the expectations concerning the meeting, so think about what your goal is. Are you going to find a style, complement the wardrobe or change your image? A series of questions will be summed up by establishing the goal and date of the meeting.

And last but not least, we are going to meet to find your strongest points and emphasize them! You are the main hero of our meeting, not the things, regardless of their brands and prices.

See you soon!

Best wishes,
Lara - Artist & Stylist 24/7

Passionate artists, stylists and travelers

And the owners of a number of diplomas in arts and economics ;+)


...Some blog thoughts about style & 24/7...

      What to wear? This question is asked by millions of people every day, and each of us has encountered this problem. Let’s examine the basic problems related to this and possible ways of solving them.

  1. Fashion tendencies and trends

Everyone has witnessed certain things become extremely popular at least once (from skirts almost literally brushing the floor to cut-offs). Of course, the impression of being a black sheep because of not wearing ‘what everybody does’ is unpleasant, but the feeling when the desired item is finally bought and it comes out that it is already out of fashion is even worse! This is when you should recall Coco Chanel’s saying: “Fashion comes and goes, style goes on forever”. The main thing here is not to blindly follow the trends, but find out what suits you personally.

  1. “Lots of things, but nothing to wear”

This problem partially arises from the previous. Sometimes, while examining your wardrobe, you may think that this piece is already out of fashion, this one is old, and that one will be worn later because it cannot be worn now (for example, if the size does not fit anymore). One of the best ways of solving this problem is finding things that are not just fashionable, but those wearing which makes you feel confident, and the help of personal stylist 24/7 will not be extra here if you’re not sure what exactly suits you.

  1. Cheap vs. expensive

The temptation to buy cheaper garments tends to show itself, especially when it is about sales of branded clothing. But lest we not forget that in most cases lower price does not mean fine quality. There were cases when you bought a fashionable, but cheap garment and then it turned into a rag in less than a year of being worn, weren’t there? In this case the best option is being attentive and making sure that you pay for quality, not for brand. A pair of expensive, but high-quality shoes will serve you for years, while the cheap ones can fall apart unexpectedly.

  1. Branded

This matter is slightly connected to the previous one. There is a popular belief that brand logos on your clothes and accessories make you look more respectable, so many people would rather pay more for the brand than for the quality or taste. But does the garment that poorly suits you, but has the famous logo on it, make your image better? Most probably, barely. If you’re not sure about the sensibility of purchasing a branded item, you may consult a personal stylist and receive a good advice.

  1. Personal features

There is some good news: the “fashionable” and “unfashionable” terms, despite still being relevant, have become quite see-through, so wearing something not too trendy, if it suits you, is perfectly fine. But what should you choose? In this case a professional’s help would not be extra. The personal stylist 24/7 would help you select clothes that create a harmonic image and fit you, helping you underline your advantages and create your personal style. After all, the image would’ve been dull if everybody wore clothing of identical colors and identical shapes.


Anyway, if you are not sure about what fits you and what could put you in a favorable light, being consulted by a personal stylist 24/7 would be one of the best options. Firstly, it could help you find balance between style, cost and preferences. Secondly, you would be able to form several looks for various occasions: from visiting concerts to solving everyday affairs. And thirdly, the second opinion is never extra, and listening to a professional one’s could make solving your outfit problems easier.