Poniżej wszystkie obrazy są przedstawiono w wersji pełnowymiarowej z zachowaniem opisów, cytatów i koszyków na zakupy.
Nr 50
"Beautiful? It's all a question of luck. I was born with good legs. As for the rest... Beautiful, no. Amusing, yes." Josephine Baker
Nr 51
”He was my cream, and I was his coffee - And when you poured us together, it was something”... Josephine Baker
Nr 52
"Dancers don't need wings to fly" Anonymous
„Wszystko co chcesz powiedzieć, Można wyrazić tańcem, Wtedy jest to proste i łatwe.” Heywood Broun
Nr 53
"Well-behaved women seldom make history." Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Nr 54
"Life is what happens between coffee and wine" Anonymous
Nr 55
„Przyjemność jest początkiem i celem życia szczęśliwego.”
"Happiness is man's greatest aim in life. Tranquillity and rationality are the cornerstones of happiness."
Nr 56
Nr 56
Face in zoom
"Fly without wings, dream with open eyes, see in darkness." Dejan Stojanovic
Nr 57
"It's not about the shoes, it's what you do in them." Michael Jordan
„Grzeczne dziewczynki idą do nieba, niegrzeczne idą tam, gdzie chcą.” Ute Ehrhardt
Nr 57
Red shoes in zoom ;+)
Nr 57
Nr 58
Nr 58 Face in zoom
"Butterflies are nature's angels. They remind us what a gift it is to be alive." Robyn Nola
Nr 59
"The struggle is part of the story..." avemateiu
Nr 60
"There is only one way to change the world; change yourself." Debasish Mridha
Nr 61
„Miejsce kobiety jest w kuchni – gdzie ma siedzieć sobie wygodnie, z nogami w górze, popijać wino i przyglądać się, jak jej mąż gotuje obiad.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
"...A woman's place is in the kitchen,..sitting in a comfortable chair, with her feet up, drinking a glass of wine and watching her husband cook dinner."
Nr 62
“Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day.” Debbie Shapiro
New Art Media
Any size
Nr 63
„Najważniejszą rzeczą jest, aby cieszyć się swoim życiem – być szczęśliwym – tylko to się liczy.”
Audrey Hepburn
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy –it's all that matters. "
Nr 64
„Wszyscy umrzemy. Celem nie jest żyć wiecznie, celem jest stworzyć coś, co będzie żyło.”
Chuck Palahniuk
"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."
Nr 65
"The greatest freedom is to be free of our own mind."
Nr 66
„Musimy się przyzwyczaić do tego, że przed najważniejszymi skrzyżowaniami naszego życia nie ma żadnych znaków ostrzegawczych.”
Ernest Hemingway
"Courage is grace under pressure."
Nr 67
„Jeżeli szukasz osoby, która zmieni Twoje życie, spójrz w lustro.”
Roman Price
"If you are still looking for that one person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror."
Nr 68
„Jak masz głupio myśleć, lepiej odpocznij.”
Haruki Murakami, „Kafka nad morzem”
"Pointless thinking is worse than no thinking at all."
Nr 69
„Pan Bóg stworzył jedzenie, a diabeł kucharzy.”
James Joyce
"God made food; the devil the cooks."
Nr 70
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." Forest Gump
Nr 71
Portret na zamówienie
Portrait on commission
Nr 72
„Umysł jest wszystkim. Stajesz się tym, co myślisz."
"What you think, you become."
Nr 73
„Jeśli idziesz przez piekło, nie zatrzymuj się.”
Winston Churchill
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
New Media Art NFT
Nr 74
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Albert Einstein
New Media Art NFT
Nr 75
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.” Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
New Media Art NFT
Nr 76
"There is a nonsense about intelligent women not being beautiful." Margaret Thatcher
New Media Art NFT
Nr 77
“The only journey is the journey within.” Rainer Maria Rilke
New Media Art NFT
Nr 78
"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." Angelita Lim
Nr 79
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." Robert Frost
New Media Art NFT
Nr 80
Nr 80 Face in zoom
"Pursue what catches your heart, not what catches your eyes" Roy T. Bennett
Nr 81
"A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done" - Marge Piercy
Portrait of Golda Meir
Nr 82
New Media Art NFT Any size The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 83
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 84
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 85
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 86
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 87
„Nienawidzę wojny tak, jak nienawidzić może tylko żołnierz, który ją przeżył i widział całe jej okrucieństwo i głupotę."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
"War settles nothing."
Nr 88
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 89
Canvas, acrylics
150 x 110 cm
Nr 90
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 91
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 92
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 93
Drawing by hand Price on request
The price of NFT depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 94
Drawing by hand Price on request
The price of NFT depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 95
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 96
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 97
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 98
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 99
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 100
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 101
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 102
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 103
New Media Art NFT Any size
The price depends on resolution and copyright rights. Welcome to contact!
Nr 104
Drawing by hand Price on request
Nr 105
Painting by hand 120 x 80 cm Acrylic, gypsum Price on request
Nr 106
Drawing by hand 50 x 70 cm Pencil & pastels Price on request
Nr 107
Painting by hand Acrylic 80 x 120 cm Price on request
Nr 108
Drawing by hand 50 x 70 cm Pencil & pastels Price on request